When To Plant: Considerations Before Planting Pleached Trees | The Complete Guide to Pleached Trees

When To Plant: Considerations Before Planting Pleached Trees

Before you start planting pleached trees, there are several considerations to keep in mind. The good news is you can plant our potted pleached year round!

Best Time of Year to Plant

It's recommended you plant rootball pleached trees between October and April, taking care to avoid planting when the ground is frozen or waterlogged. However, our potted pleached trees are suitable for planting all year round, again except when the ground is frozen or periods of droughts – but this is true for most plants. When planting during the summer months, do ensure you water well.

Soil Type and Preparation

Assess your soil type and select tree varieties that are well-suited to your garden's soil conditions. Ensure the soil is well-drained and free from weeds. Improving soil structure by adding organic matter is essential. If you're dealing with new build garden soil, additional preparation may be required to create an optimal planting environment.

Desired Height and Spread

Determine the dimensions you want for your pleached trees based on your garden's available space and your specific needs. Carefully calculate the number of trees required for your garden design.

Garden Conditions

Evaluate various factors in your garden, including its aspect, sunlight exposure, wind patterns, and site conditions. This assessment will guide your choice of pleached tree varieties that are well-suited to your garden environment.

Neighbourly Communication

Maintain good relations with your neighbours by discussing your pleached tree planting plans with them. Ensuring that everyone is on the same page is essential, especially if the trees may impact their outdoor space.

Maintenance Commitment

Consider the level of maintenance you're willing to commit to keeping your pleached trees healthy and looking their best. Understanding the care requirements is crucial for the long-term success of your trees.

By carefully considering these factors and choosing the right time to plant, you can set the stage for a thriving and beautiful pleached trees that will enhance your garden for years to come. Happy planting!

The Complete Guide to Pleached Trees
180cm / 16-18cm / 120x120cm / With growth / June

Caring for Your New Pleached Trees

With Love & Care

For practical guidance and tips about looking after pleached trees, check out our Caring for Your New Pleached Trees series. This ensures your trees get off to the best start, from delivery through their critical first two years. Remember to check on your new trees regularly and provide essential care such as staking, watering, pruning, and fertilising as needed. This will help your pleached trees thrive. Happy gardening!

Caring for Your New Pleached Trees
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