Caring for Your New Pleached Trees

Hello there!

I’m Pleachy, your new pleached tree. It's a pleasure to be in your garden, and I hope you're enjoying my company. Read on for useful guides and exclusive offers, and don't forget to leave a review for a £10 Amazon voucher or tag your photos on Insta!

Rooting for you,

Pleachy x

ps. Scan my QR code any time to return to this page.

Pleached Tree Planting Service

Care Guides

Caring for Me

I'm easy to look after, but I do need proper care to be happy and thrive. You can find the care guide here for all the tips and tricks to keep me looking my best.

View the care guide

Planting Guide

How to Plant Me

If you haven’t planted me yet, no worries! Watch BBC1's Garden Rescue Presenter, Garden Ninja Lee Burkhill, explains the process in this fantastic step-by-step planting guide to get started and I’ll be happy in my new home in no time.

View the planting guide

Staking Guide

Keep Me Steady

I need a bit of help getting settled. During my first couple of years, I can be a bit wobbly. That's where tree stakes come in, they're like my best pals, providing vital support. They stop me from rocking in the wind and keep my roots stable.

View the staking guide

Watering Guide

Get Me a Drink

I need regular watering to thrive. In my early years, I get super thirsty, especially when it's hot. Watering me deeply and consistently helps my roots grow strong and keeps my leaves lush.

View the watering guide

Pruning Guide

Give Me a Trim

If I’m looking a bit too bushy and unruly, I might need a trim. Check out the pruning guide to keep me in shape and looking sharp.

View the pruning guide

Help Guide


My leaves are turning brown and I'm not feeling myself. Check out the help guide to tackle issues with brown leaves and other common problems.

View the help guide
White Annabelle Hydrangea | 70-90cm


Flowery Friends

Looking to add some smaller, floral champions around me? Why not add some ready-made borders crafted to plant under pleached trees. It’s a great way to add a splash of colour and who doesn't like to get some flowers to make them feel special, am I right? Use this exclusive code for existing customers: FLOWERS4PLEACHY to save £50 off ready-made borders

Shop ready-made borders
Hornbeam pleached trees in West Sussex


Share Your Snaps

I wasn’t always this stylish. I started off as a regular tree, but with love, care, and patience, I was transformed into a pleached tree trained to form nature’s very own privacy screen. I had quite the glow up! The friendly bunch over in Pleachy HQ always want to see how me and my buddies are growing in your garden. So share your photos on social media and tag @justpleachy on Insta for the world to enjoy!

Tag us on Insta
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A Penny For Your Thoughts

Your feedback means a lot to everyone at Just Pleachy. Share your thoughts with a review on our website, and as a token of our appreciation, receive a £10 Amazon gift card for all verified and published reviews.

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  • Gravity-Defying Hedges

    Pleached trees, often called "hedges on stilts" or "hedges in the air," seem to defy gravity with their elegant, elevated look.

  • Ancient Pleaching

    Even the Romans loved pleached trees! The Gallic tribe of Nervii used plashing (an early term for pleaching) for defence in Julius Caesar's time (circa 60 B.C.).

  • Not Just a Pretty Face

    Pleached trees reduce noise and provide homes for birds, bees, and butterflies, making them more than just visually striking.