Birds and Bees: What Wildlife Lives in Pleached Trees? | The Complete Guide to Pleached Trees

Birds and Bees: What Wildlife Lives in Pleached Trees?

Pleached trees don't just bring elegance to your garden; they also create a haven for wildlife.

Bees and Pollinators

Pleached trees play a vital role in supporting bees and other pollinators. These trees offer an abundant source of nectar and pollen, making them a favorite stop for these essential creatures.

RHS Plants for Pollinators

The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) recognises the significance of pollinators and has compiled a list of Plants for Pollinators, which includes Oleaster. By planting these trees in your garden, you contribute to the well-being of wild bees and other vital pollinators.

Birds and Their Sanctuary

Pleached trees also provide a sanctuary for birds. Their branches and foliage offer a safe perching spot for a variety of bird species, creating a welcoming environment for these feathered friends.

So, as you admire the aesthetic appeal of pleached trees in your garden, remember that you're also creating a place of rest and nourishment.

The Complete Guide to Pleached Trees
180cm / 16-18cm / 120x120cm / With growth / June

Caring for Your New Pleached Trees

With Love & Care

For practical guidance and tips about looking after pleached trees, check out our Caring for Your New Pleached Trees series. This ensures your trees get off to the best start, from delivery through their critical first two years. Remember to check on your new trees regularly and provide essential care such as staking, watering, pruning, and fertilising as needed. This will help your pleached trees thrive. Happy gardening!

Caring for Your New Pleached Trees
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