Privacy Screening: Do Pleached Trees Need Permission? | The Complete Guide to Pleached Trees

Privacy Screening: Do Pleached Trees Need Permission?

If you're considering using pleached trees for privacy screening in your garden or outdoor space, you might be wondering whether you need permission to do so. Let's dive into the considerations for using pleached trees as privacy screens in the UK.

Understanding Planning Permission

In the UK, whether you need planning permission for pleached trees largely depends on your specific circumstances. If your pleached trees are considered part of your garden's landscaping, planning permission typically isn't required.

However, there are some important factors to consider. The location of your property can impact whether you need permission. If you're in a conservation area or your property is listed, you may have stricter regulations to follow. The height and size of your pleached trees can also be a consideration. If they exceed certain limits, you may need permission. To get a clearer picture of whether you need planning permission for your specific pleached tree project, it's always advisable to consult with your local planning authority.

Good Neighbour Relations

While you may not always need formal planning permission for pleached trees, it's essential to maintain good relationships with your neighbours before planting any large plants. Open communication and collaboration could help prevent potential "high hedge" disputes. So discuss your plans with your neighbours, especially if the pleached trees will have an impact on their views, light, or privacy. In many cases, involving them in the decision-making process can lead to a harmonious outcome.If your neighbours are supportive, you could use pleached trees up to the boundary, saving space while creating a garden underneath. However, if you'll be maintaining them yourself, leave room for trimming and accessing the back to tie it to a frame.

Making an Informed Choice

This article is meant for UK residents, offering general information and directing you to additional resources like your local planning authority. You are responsible for planning according to your specific situation. Please note that we cannot provide legal advice or assume responsibility for any legal aspects related to planning.

The Complete Guide to Pleached Trees
180cm / 16-18cm / 120x120cm / With growth / June

Caring for Your New Pleached Trees

With Love & Care

For practical guidance and tips about looking after pleached trees, check out our Caring for Your New Pleached Trees series. This ensures your trees get off to the best start, from delivery through their critical first two years. Remember to check on your new trees regularly and provide essential care such as staking, watering, pruning, and fertilising as needed. This will help your pleached trees thrive. Happy gardening!

Caring for Your New Pleached Trees
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